A Novel UAV for Interaction with Moving Targets in an Indoor Environment IARC Symposium on Indoor Flight Issues, 2018. (Not peer-reviewed; won Best Technical Paper award) [PDF]
A Wearable Sensing System to Estimate Lower Limb State for Drop Foot Correction Ingenium: Undergraduate Research Undergraduate Research at the Swanson School of Engineering, 2018, 16-20. [PDF]
Aerial Robot Design for Ground Robot Interaction and Navigation without Landmarks IARC Symposium on Indoor Flight Issues, 2017. (Not peer-reviewed) [PDF]
A Novel UAV for Interaction with Moving Targets in an Indoor Environment IARC Symposium on Indoor Flight Issues, 2018. [Slides]
6 Degree of Freedom Autonomous UAV Swanson School of Engineering’s Design Exposition, 2018. [Poster]
Navigation and Control for an Autonomous Multirotor in an Indoor Environment Pennsylvania Automated Vehicle Summit, 2018. [Poster]
Functional Electrical Stimulation Control and IMU-Based Limb Angle Estimation Science 2017 Undergraduate Research Poster Reception, 2017. [Poster]
Aerial Robot Design for Ground Robot Interaction and Navigation without Landmarks IARC Symposium on Indoor Flight Issues, 2017. [Slides]
technical reports
6 Degree of Freedom UAV Thrust Model Summary Senior Capstone Project, 2018. Written to summarize and present evidence during a busy senior design project. Contains grammatical and spelling errors. Will be revised. [PDF]